If you wish to purchase one of our products, please make out a check or money order covering
the price of the item(s) you wish to purchase,
$44.95 for each pair (2) of BoarderWrist
$44.95 for each (1) BoarderAnkle or BoarderKnee
$34.95 for each (1) BoarderBack
+ add $4.95 per item for shipping and handling, and send total amount
with name, shipping address, phone number, and statement indicating which product(s) you want to:
BoarderGear Inc.
220 Madison Avenue - Suite 2B
New York, New York 10016
* New York residents please add 8.5% sales tax to your order
**You can also order our products COD!
or order via the web by visiting our online store, which offers shipping and payment options.
If you have any questions or comments, or if you're interested in buying in bulk and large volume discounts, please email [email protected]